Maryland producer fraud and abuse training

Fraud and abuse recognition training available to Maryland Brokers and Consultants.

Maryland law, COMAR, requires insurers to offer training in the recognition and referral of suspicious claims to independent producers who have appointments with a carrier. The documents below provide useful training and education on regulation requirements and how to spot potential fraud and abuse:

These documents are for informational purposes only. They should not be considered an exhaustive list of ways in which insurance fraud might be perpetrated and there is no guarantee that all insurance fraud can be detected by using this information.

To report suspected claim related fraud, please call 1-866-242-7727. If enrollment/identity fraud is suspected, please report that detail to the employer group.

For more information, contact your UnitedHealthcare representative.

Current employer group client or broker?

Access uhceservices to manage eligibility, view plan documents, request ID cards and more.