Medical loss ratio data

It’s our goal to keep you informed on issues that affect your plan. To that end, this letter is intended to inform our Connecticut customers about Connecticut General Statute section 38a-477c, which requires disclosure of a carrier’s medical loss ratio (MLR) to insurance applicants. 

The MLR is defined as the ratio of incurred claims to earned premium for the prior calendar year for managed care plans issued in Connecticut. It represents the percentage of aggregate premium dollars spent on health care and activities to improve health care quality versus the percentage spent on claims. It limits claims to medical expenses for services and supplies provided to members, excluding expenses for stop loss coverage, reinsurance, member educational programs, and other cost containment programs or features.

To view Connecticut MLR for UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, please visit the Connecticut Department of Insurance’s Consumer Report Card site. Select the applicable year’s report card and continue to the “Medical Loss Ratio by Carrier” section, where you will find “United” and “Oxford” listed with corresponding MLRs.