Upbeat music plays as the UnitedHealthcare logo becomes ribbons that swoop across the screen. A text bubble pops up.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Working past 65…
ON SCREEN TEXT: Medicare Conversations
A pair of flip flops appear.
ON SCREEN TEXT: What to know about Medicare if I plan to retire at 65
A bald man in glasses sits in a chair. Text appears in a blue banner at the bottom of the frame.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Phil Moeller Author and Medicare expert
PHIL MOELLER: I’m Phil Moeller. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me today.
A numbered bar labelled “60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65” appears against a white background. An icon moves along the bar to 65, where a cake sits.
PHIL: So, the first decision for somebody who is nearing the age of 65 at work, and they do plan to retire when they turn 65.
Then, an animated image of a man talking to a woman with a headset appears over a blue background.
PHIL: So in that situation the first thing I advise people to do is sit down with their employee benefits department, and find out if they have any kind of retiree coverage that’s gonna kick in when they retire and leave their active employer group coverage.
Then, a notepad with text inside slides up into the frame.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Be sure to ask if you have retiree coverage
The screen is split in two. On the left, a light blue background with a sheet of paper the reads Retiree coverage appears. Text sits at the top.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Primary coverage
On the right, a small ID card that reads MEDICARE sits against a dark blue background. White texts rests at the top.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Secondary coverage
PHIL: In many cases, they may have some retiree coverage. They need to understand this, because even if they have retiree coverage they still might need Medicare to provide full coverage of their health needs when they retire.
The MEDICARE card and the Retiree Coverage sheet of paper swap sides.
PHIL: In some cases, a retiree program can provide secondary coverage and so they would need to get Medicare and they’d use the employer program as secondary coverage.
The left side of the screen expands and the MEDICARE card moves to the center of the frame.
PHIL: So in a lot of situations of course, there is no employer retiree coverage and you pretty much are going to be relying solely on Medicare.
A white background slides in and a blue bar with a cake and the number 65 appears underneath text.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Initial Enrollment Period 7 months
PHIL: In that case, as a new enrollee in Medicare you will have a 7 month initial enrollment period that begins 3 months before your 65th birthday month, and then extends 3 months past that date.
We return to Phil in his chair.
PHIL: So you have a 7 month period to sign up for Medicare.
The bar expands, and three sections appear at the end in orange. Gold coins appear above them.
PHIL: Complying with this enrollment period is important. Because if you’re late in that, you might face late enrollment penalties that can last the rest of your life and you really don’t want those if you can avoid them. So that’s really important but it’s not nearly as important in my view as making sure that you have continuous health coverage.
Then a notepad appears with text.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Make sure you have continuous health coverage
White text appears at the top of the frame against a blue background.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Initial Enrollment Period
A short, segmented bar appears in the center of the frame. A sheet that reads “Employer plan hovers above it. Below the bar, the center is labelled June and the far right is labelled Enrollment Deadline.
The sheet of paper moves to the June segment, then is crossed out.
PHIL: So as an example, say you lose your employer coverage at the end of June. You still have several months to sign up for Medicare and you say, “I’m within that initial enrollment period, I’m fine.” But you’re not fine, because you might have a lapse in your health coverage.
The segments between June and Enrollment Deadline are replaced with a small line.
We return to Phil in his chair.
PHIL: So, I advise people to find out again, when their employer coverage is gonna end and make sure they enroll in Medicare early enough so that they don’t have a break in coverage. Because that’s the thing you don’t want.
A notepad with text appears against a blue background.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Enroll early in Medicare to avoid a lapse in coverage
We return to Phil in his chair.
PHIL: I would always err on the side of making sure that you have coverage.
Text appears next to cartoon drawings of three people.
ON SCREEN TEXT: What about my family?
PHIL: The other issue of course, if you are this employee and you’re gonna lose group coverage when you’re 65, is to make sure you understand the coverage needs that your spouse may have. Or perhaps you have a child, or more than one child that’s insured on your group policy.
Dark blue text appears over a light background. The three cartoon drawings of people appear underneath.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Employer coverage
The screen splits in two, and one of the drawings moves to the left side of the screen. The other two remain under employer coverage. Text appears over the drawing on the left side of the frame.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Medicare coverage
We return to Phil in his chair.
PHIL: You’re gonna have to work to make sure that they’re covered when you lose your employer coverage because you’re retiring.
ON SCREEN TEXT: What if I still have questions?
We return to Phil in his chair.
PHIL: I really appreciate you spending a little time with me today. I hope I’ve helped answer some of your Medicare questions. I realize you may have lots of other questions, Medicare can be pretty complicated. MedicareMadeClear.com provides lots of answers to your basic questions.
White text appears over a dark blue background.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Visit MedicareMadeClear.com
We return to Phil in his chair.
PHIL: So if you still have them, I urge you to go there and see if you can get the answers you need. Thanks again for spending time with me today.
Blue text appears over a white background.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Medicare Made Clear brought to you by UnitedHealthcare
A blue u-shaped logo appears against a white background, followed by text.
ON SCREEN TEXT: UnitedHealthcare®
Faint text sits at the bottom of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: ©2021 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Medicare Made Clear® by UnitedHealthcare®