A wide shot reveals the skyline and pastures of Plano, Texas. White text appears in the bottom left corner of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Plano, Texas
Jeff Lawrence's hand points out orange and blue dots on a large map.
JEFF: This is Plano, and Dallas-Fort Worth is primarily four counties, and so in these practices, now we estimate we'd probably be north of a million total patients.
A close-up reveals a cluster of orange dots surrounded by a few blue dots.
Jeff speaks as he looks at the map.
JEFF: The orange dots are Catalyst Health Network primary care offices.
Cut to a large office building in Plano, Texas.
JEFF: Approaching 700 PCPs, we feel like we've created a story that can be told elsewhere.
Jeff Lawrence speaks to the camera as text appears in the bottom left corner of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Jeff Lawrence
Catalyst Health Network, Executive Director
JEFF: So all these words we use in the industry of care coordination and care management, and they work.
A close-up reveals a sign on a glass wall reading "Helping Communities Thrive."
Jeff continues speaking to the camera.
Dr. Christopher Crow speaks to the camera. Text appears in the bottom left corner of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Dr. Christopher Crow
Catalyst Health Network, President
DR. CROW: What we're trying to do as a company is create-- to prove the value of actually taking better care of people, thinking about their life holistically. Why do we ask people what's the matter, and not ask them, what matters?
Cut to a narrow office with cubicles. A woman sits in front of a computer as other people walk around. A dark overlay appears over the screen with white text.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Catalyst Health Network allows
PCPs to maintain independence
while coordinating care and reducing
costs in a clinically integrated,
value-based model.
A woman works at a computer in a cubicle.
DR. CROW: Well, we're doing a lot of work. We got-- this area does our referral management.
Two women chat in front of a computer in an office.
DR. CROW: They do about 3,500 referrals per week right now.
Dr. Crow speaks in a cubicle and gestures.
DR. CROW: That is going up.
A close-up reveals a woman on the phone in front of a computer.
DR. LAMBERT: All of us can refer our patients to our specialists, to our cardiologists, to the pulmonologists, to the surgeon, to Catalyst to get their healthcare needs done.
Dr. Joe Lambert speaks to the camera as text appears in the bottom left corner of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Dr. Joe Lambert
Catalyst Health Network, Medical Director
Dr. Crow speaks in an office between cubicles and gestures.
A close-up reveals a woman's hands typing.
DR. CROW: So they're teamed together with their own physicians and then working on those physicians' patients together.
The shot zooms out to reveal the woman sitting at a computer in a cubicle as she types.
Jeff speaks to the camera as he gestures.
JEFF: So it's almost like you've got this virtual exam room that's walking with the patient at any given time.
Dr. Lambert speaks to the camera.
DR. LAMBERT: Which is moving us away from having to see just bunches of patients just to stay afloat, and it's actually taking our time and energy, and we're providing efficient care to the patients who need that targeted service, which allows us to, I think, provide a better standard of care.
A woman speaks on the phone as she navigates around a computer desktop.
Dr. Lambert continues speaking to the camera.
DR. LAMBERT: I'm very uplifted and very thankful for the leaders who sat down and said, "This is not right. "We have to collaborate, we have-- okay, let's put plans together. Let's share data." We cannot just think we're giving the best care. We have to know we're giving the best care, and if we're not giving good care, how do we get better? Data allows us to solve for that.
Dr. Crow continues speaking to the camera.
DR. CROW: And we've proven that with 50 million in savings in the last three years and continued growth, and now we're in multiple markets in multiple states.
Dr. Lambert, Jeff, and Dr. Crow converse together in a brightly lit hallway.
DR. CROW: Ironically, we get a lot of accolades as being healthcare innovators. We just think we're doing pretty simple stuff. We're also not naive to think that we can just save American healthcare, but what we do think we can be is a point of light.
The camera dollies outside of the office building in Plano.
A fade to a white background reveals the UnitedHealthcare textual logo.
ON SCREEN TEXT: UnitedHealthcare