Celebrating 4 UnitedHealthcare employees working to make a difference

2022 Everyday LifeChangers

Let’s celebrate our latest Everyday LifeChangers – UnitedHealthcare employees who make a difference by going the extra mile to bring our vision to life. Congrats to Nick, Amaris, Aimee and Keith!

Nick Thorson

Nick, contract manager in UnitedHealthcare Networks, is driven to make members’ health care feel local. He helps ensure providers know they always have someone with whom to talk.

“It’s important to me people know we will be different,” Nick said.

Recently, he met with a provider to talk about how they were addressing social determinants of health in their community. Inspired by that conversation, Nick came up with the idea to have UnitedHealthcare establish a farmer’s market addressing food insecurities in key markets, which he presented, and won, at the Minnovation Challenge, where Minnesotans submit their unique life-improving inventions or innovations. While a large part of his role is negotiating contracts, the bottom line for Nick is simply helping people.

Amaris Anderson

Amaris, senior fraud investigator for UnitedHealthcare Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, is naturally inquisitive. 

During a conversation with a member, Amaris learned the individual was in a potentially life-threatening situation. She immediately jumped into action with compassion and was able to connect the member with the right people and resources.

“Sometimes I talk to members who are funny, sometimes I talk to members who simply need someone to lend them an ear. As a fraud investigator, I look at the facts of the matter, and sometimes I need to pivot from gathering facts to showing compassion and letting people know I’m here to help – in any way I can” Amaris said.

Aimee Itaaehau

Aimee, clinical pharmacist with UnitedHealthcare Clinical Services, gets to know each member’s needs to help them best navigate their benefits.

From ensuring a member has the right prescription to scheduling an appointment, Aimee coordinates the care they need.

“Sometimes a member isn’t aware of all the benefits they have with their insurance,” she said. “I help them understand what our coverage and support can do for them, which gives them access to better care and often saves them money.”

Keith Tran

Keith, senior claim representative in government operations, does work that may not be directly seen by our members – but it’s definitely felt by them. By working behind the scenes to ensure our advocates have access to the right information, technology and tools, Keith helps our members get the care they need.

“I always put myself in our members’ shoes. I do my best, so they have the kind of simple experience we all want,” Keith said. “Even though I don’t work directly with our members, I know I’m changing lives.”

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