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If you or a loved one need help finding care, please contact RMHP care coordination at: 970-248-8718 or 800-793-1339. You can also e-mail:
CHP+ Annual Renewals
Make sure you do not miss information about your CHP+ coverage. Update your address by going online at Colorado - PEAK, the Health First Colorado APP, or CHP+ members can call 1-800-359-1991, or contact your local county DHS office.
Rocky Mountain Health Plans (RMHP) - Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)
Through the Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) program, Rocky Mountain Health Plans (RMHP) provides low-cost health insurance benefits to children and pregnant Members 19 and older who do not qualify for Health First Colorado but do not earn enough to pay for private health insurance.
RMHP is the CHP+ physical and behavioral health Managed Care plan for Members who live in one of the following counties: Archuleta, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, La Plata, Mesa, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, San Miguel, and Summit. Rocky Mountain Health Plans is the UnitedHealthcare Community Plan for Colorado.
RMHP helps to coordinate you or your child’s physical and behavioral health care, to include assessments and referrals, access your benefits, make sure you get the help you need - when you need it, work toward health and wellness goals to live healthier lives. RMHP works together with your or your child’s primary care provider, behavioral health provider, care teams, and other local partners to help you or your child get the care needed.
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- Rocky Mountain Health Plans (RMHP) - Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)
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Benefits & features
Asthma and COPD Support
Respiratory therapies are covered as ancillary services in an inpatient facility as well as in an outpatient setting. See Member Handbook for more details.
Choice of Doctor
If you want to change your PCP, go to the secure member website ( and follow the steps for picking a new PCP. You can change your PCP at any time. Information in the provider directory includes the names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of providers that are in RMHP’s network. This means you can see these providers without contacting RMHP first.
If you need a provider directory or need help finding a PCP in your area, call Member Services. RMHP’s online provider directory can be found at or by logging into your secure member website at This directory gives you information about contracted providers in your area who speak languages other than English, and which providers accept new patients.
If you are changing doctors because you moved, call CHP+ Eligibility and Enrollment Broker, 1-888-367-6557 to let them know your address has changed. You can also update your address in your PEAK account. Call Member Services if you need help changing your PCP..
Diabetes Support
With a diagnosis of diabetes, we offer support with: inpatient nutrition counseling, outpatient nutrition and self-management training and follow-up visits for members diagnosed as diabetic.
Emergency Transport/Ambulance Services
Coverage for a life or limb-threatening emergency if transported in a licensed ambulance. See Member Handbook for more detail and exclusions.
Equipment and Medical Supplies
Durable Medical Equipment-Maximum of $2,000 per calendar year. See Member Handbook for further details for this benefit.
Home Health Care/Home Infusion Therapy
Who can provide home health care/home infusion therapy?
Benefits are provided for services performed by a home health agency that can arrange and provide nursing services, home health aide services and other therapeutic services. Home infusion therapy is when a nurse comes to your home to give you a medication intravenously (through an IV) or with a shot. Please see Member Handbook for additional covered services.
Medically Necessary Covered Services for patients that are generally and typically provided by acute care general Hospitals. Hospital Services shall also include services rendered in the emergency room and/or the outpatient department of any Hospital. Except for a Medical Emergency or Written Referral, Hospital Services are Covered Services only when completed by Participating Providers. Please see Member Handbook for other details.
Individuals with Special Health Care Needs
If you are new to RMHP and you have special health care needs and are seeing a doctor that is not on our list, you can:
- Keep seeing your previous primary care doctor for 60 calendar days. You can keep getting the same ongoing care you got before you joined RMHP.
- Keep seeing your other doctors for 75 calendar days. You can keep getting the same care you got before you joined RMHP.
- Keep seeing your previous primary care doctor if you are in your fourth through ninth month of pregnancy. You can keep seeing your previous primary care doctor until you finish the care you need following the birth of your child.
Having special health care needs can be frightening and difficult, but RMHP is here to help you. We want you to follow your doctor’s treatment plan and learn about your special needs. Our nurses and Care Coordinators will work with you one-on-one.
Kidney Disease Care
Kidney Dialysis is covered with $0 copay.
Lab & X-rays
Benefits are provided for diagnostic services received in a provider’s office when they are required to diagnose or monitor a symptom, disease or condition. Benefits for diagnostic services done in a provider’s office include, but are not limited to, the following:
- X-ray and other radiology services,
- Laboratory and pathology services, and
- Ultrasound services for non-pregnancy related conditions.
For pregnancy-related ultrasounds, see the Maternity and newborn child-care section of the Member Handbook.
Language Help
If you need help with the information in any RMHP document, including written/ oral translation; or in a different format like large print or as an audio file, we can help you at no cost. You can get help by calling Rocky Mountain Health Plans (RMHP) at 877-668-5947 or State Relay 711 for callers with speech or hearing disabilities.
Si necesita ayuda con la información en cualquier documento de RMHP incluida la traducción oral/escrita, un formato diferente (como letra grande), o un archivo de audio, podemos ayudarlo sin costo. Puede obtener ayuda llamando Rocky Mountain Health Plans (RMHP) al 877-668-5947 o State Retransmisión 711 para personas con discapacidad auditiva o del habla.
Lead Screening in Children
Covered as part of wellness checkups with your Primary Care Provider.
The most up-to-date list of prescription medications covered under this plan is on RMHP’s website at A paper copy is available at no cost by calling Member Services. The name of the document that lists covered prescription medications for this plan is RMHP PRIME and CHP+ formulary. The RMHP PRIME and CHP+ formulary also provides information about coverage guidelines, quantity limits, which medications that require pre-authorization, and what to do if you are prescribed a medication that is not on the list.
This plan covers up to a 90-day supply of a prescription maintenance medications from an in-network pharmacy. Some medications are limited to 30-day supplies at one time. Mail order fills up to a 90-day supply. Prescription contraceptives, including oral contraceptives (the Pill), contraceptive patches, and vaginal ring contraceptives, can be covered for up to a 12 month (1 year) supply after filling 3 months of the same contraceptive. Please see Member Handbook for more information.
Quit using Tobacco or Vaping Products
Free QuitLine tobacco cessation counselor — Call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669) or visit
Shots and Vaccines
Covered as part of regularly scheduled childhood and adult preventive services.
Therapy Services
Coverage for outpatient physical rehabilitation (physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy) includes up to 30 visits per calendar year per diagnosis.
For children ages 0-3, additional therapies as described above, are unlimited for those members who qualify for Early Intervention Services.
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Rocky Mountain Health Plans - Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)